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Cederroth has a complete range of First Aid products for Manufacturing Industries.
Manufacturing industries are high risk areas for severe accidents. Large machine minding, using tools and moving equipment all entail significant risk. As is handling chemicals.
Provide bandages for severe wounds as well as plasters suitable for your types of work. In addition to a wall-mounted First Aid station that everyone knows where to find, having a Mobile First Aid Kit to treat injuries at the site is good advice. Mobile kits are also worth taking to remote areas that are high risk. In the case of work places where minor cuts and wounds are common, our Wound Care and Plaster Dispensers are a practical complement to emergency First Aid. We also recommend installing directional signs to First Aid stations and equipment.
Spills, equipment failures and operator errors often cause accidents. Handling processes and maintenance chemicals, machine washers, industrial inkjet printers and paint are all potential hazards, as is forklift charging. Suitable personal protective equipment is very important, as is Eye Wash for immediate First Aid in the event of an accident. Cederroth Eye Wash is buffered and has a neutralizing effect on alkalis and acids, giving you a higher chance of saving vision than tap water or saline solutions. We have a wide range of Eye Wash packaging and storage solutions to deliver immediate first aid to eyes at all hazardous locations where having an Eye Wash at arm’s length can make all the difference. Every second counts.
Cuts, bruises, strains and sprains are common injuries. Bandages and Cold packs are staple products that are include in our well-equipped, portable Cederroth First Aid Kit XL to treat injuries where the accident occurs.
Hot surfaces, hot water, steam, fire & hot metals can cause burns. It is important to cool burns rapidly, to prevent further spreading or more severe injury. If water is not available close by, Burn Gel products are the answer. Our wall-mounted Cederroth First Aid & Burn Station and Cederroth Burn Kit include a selection of Burn Gel Dressings to provide immediate treatment.
For work places with many First Aid Stations, it is practical to install a larger First Aid cabinet with built-in storage area for refill products to facilitate maintenance.